Director: Ricardo Abad
社會學家、劇場創作者,這兩種領域他都專精。他取得福特漢姆大學社會學博士的學位後,隨即在雅典耀大學執教。隨後,加入了菲律賓文化中心的菲律賓劇團,經常在提尼歐與盧昂欣執導的古典劇目裡擔任演員。1984年,他成為「Tanghalang Ateneo劇團」的藝術總監,這個劇團的成員多為雅典耀大學的學生。在他的帶領下,成為國內頂尖的劇團之一。厄拜德的許多作品,特別是世界名劇的演出,往往透過社會學的角度觀察人與地方,串連菲律賓/亞洲與西方的表演形式,同時融合兩者,創造出新風貌。由於這些出色的製作以及社會學研究上的成就,使他獲頒許多獎項︰2001年菲律賓首都銀行傑出教學獎、2005年雅典耀傑出研究獎、2007年Aliw最佳導演獎、2009年菲律賓首都銀行持續頂尖與服務獎,同年由於他在人文領域的貢獻,獲得雅典耀終身成就獎。導戲之外,厄拜德在藝術學院教授導演,也在社會學系與人類學系教授研究方法。
Ricardo Abad is a sociologist and theater artist, and the fusion of these two fields informs his everyday professional life. Soon after completing doctoral work in sociology at Fordham University and starting out as a teacher at the Ateneo, Ricky joined Teatro Pilipino at the Cultural Center of the Philippines, acting mostly in classical plays under the direction of Rolando Tinio and Ella Luansing. In 1984, he became Artistic Director of Tanghalang Ateneo , a company he has nurtured to become one of the leading school-based theater companies of the country. Many of his projects, particularly productions of world drama, entail a hybrid of Filipino/Asian and Western forms linked by a sociological view of people and place. These productions, plus his sociological achievements, have helped him earn the Metrobank Outstanding Teaching Award in 2001, the Most Outstanding Scholarly Work Award from the Ateneo in 2005, the Aliw Award for Best Director in 2007, a Metrobank Award for Continued Excellence and Service in 2009, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Ateneo in 2009 for his contribution to the Humanities. When not directing for Tanghalang Ateneo, Ricky Abad teaches directing at Fine Arts and research methodology at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
Playwright: Suzue Toshiro
桐朋學園藝術短期大學教授,負責戲劇的主修課程。就讀京都大學時,就此跟戲劇結下不解之緣。1993年在京都成立八點半劇團(劇団八時半),現為東京office 白沼劇團(office 白ヒ沼)團長。鈴江的劇作高達五十多部,重要劇作如下︰《切成四角的直球》(『区切られた四角い直球』,獲得1989年Cabin戲劇獎)、《友人來訪》(『ともだちが来た』,獲得1995年OMS戲劇獎)、《凋落的水果》(『零れる果実』,獲得1995年蠶繭戲劇獎),以及《螢火蟲》(獲得1996年岸田國士戯曲賞)。大部分的劇作都由他親自執導。自編自導之外,他偶爾會在自作中客串演出。鈴江的劇作已有英文、德文、俄文、印尼文等譯本,也在日本以外的國家演出過幾次。「Tanghalang Ateneo劇團」與雅典耀大學戲劇及藝術系共同製作的《螢火蟲》,則是鈴江的劇作首度在菲律賓亮相演出。
Suzue Toshiro heads the Drama Program of the Toho Art College of Drama and Music where he is also Assistant Professor. He first encountered the theater while he was a student at Kyoto University, and in 1993 founded in Kyoto a theater company called the Hachi-ji Han. He now leads another theater company in Tokyo called Office White Mountain. Suzue has written over 50 plays, the principal ones being “Straight Fast Ball Divided into a Square” (Cabin Drama Award, 1989), “My Friend Has Come” (OMS Drama Award, 1995), Spilled Fruit (Theater Cocoon Drama Award, 1995), and “Fireflies” (Kishida Kunio Drama Award, 1996). He writes and directs almost all of his works and occasionally plays as an actor in them as well. His plays have been translated into English, German, Russian, and Indonesian, and have been performed several times outside Japan. The Tanghalang Ateneo/Ateneo Fine Arts production of “Fireflies” at the Ateneo de Manila is his first appearance in the Philippines.