
導演   Le Quy Duong

Le Quy Duong1990年,從越南國立戲劇暨電影大學得到藝術學士學位,當時主修的是戲劇評論;隨即於1994年到澳洲繼續向上攻讀戲劇導演藝術,並且於1998年從澳洲國立戲劇藝術研究所得到畢業文憑;然而Le Quy Duong卻從沒有停下學習的腳步,他同時也在2003-2004年間從洛杉磯好萊烏電影學校得到電影導演的學位。自畢業之後的二十年間,唐先生對於國際藝術上的發展與各國之間的文化交流皆做出了重大的貢獻,尤其是透過他主持的VACEP越南藝術文化交流計畫才進而促成了澳洲越南英國法國與美國之間的頻繁藝術交流。


Duong first arrived to study in Australia in 1994. He graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Criticisms from Vietnam's National University of Theatre and Cinema in 1990 and with a Graduate Diploma of Dramatic Art in directing from Australia's National Institute of Dramatic Art in 1998. He also graduated in Filming Directing from the Los Angeles Film School in Hollywood, CA, USA in 2003-2004. During the last twenty years, Duong has made the vital contribution to the development of international arts and cultural exchange, especially between Australia, Vietnam, UK, France and US through his VACEP in australia, Lequyduong Pty. Ltd and My Phat Pty., Ltd in Vietnam.


編劇:Le Duy Hanh

Playwright: Le Duy Hanh


 Le Duy Hanh先生是越南國內眾所周知的重量級劇作家,他曾經因傑出的戲劇創作成就,榮獲越南政府頒發國家獎章。他的戲劇作品包含許多實驗性質與創新的元素,本齣戲劇正是最能夠突顯單一表演者型態魅力的劇本。


Mr. Le Duy Hanh is one of the most well-known playwrights of Vietnam. He was award a National Medal of Vietnam Government for outstanding achievement in playwriting. His works are claimed for highly experimental and innovative theatre. “Dien Kich Mot Minh” is one of the most prominent plays for one performer.




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