

Fitzmaurice Voice-work










This classwork explores the dynamics between body, breath, voice, the imagination, language, and presence. 

There are two elements of Fitzmaurice Voice-work: De-structuring and Restructuring. De-structuring promotes awareness of the body, spontaneous and free breathing, and vocal expressivity, through Tremor-work. Restructuring encourages economy of effort while speaking or performing, using modified bel canto techniques.

The workshop introduces:

- a highly affective vocal warm-up that can be applied to any routine.
- a deeper experience of the role of breathing in vocal production and in developing greater presence and meaningful connection and spontaneity in your work.
- awareness of muscular habits that are inhibiting the free flow of vocal production
- activation of more areas of vocal resonance
- taps into the human impulse of sound and body


新加坡2-Aole Miller  


 Mr. Aole T. Miller/ Lasalle College of the Arts

艾歐米勒先生現於新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院擔任聲音與說話課程主任。他是費茲莫瑞斯聲音訓練法的認證助理老師,也是聯合國世界遺產組織的專任教師。曾執導過:《羅密歐與茱麗葉》(澳洲伯斯科廷大學)、《求證》(美國洛杉磯New Moon Rep)、《我,克里昂》(”I Kreon”,美國紐約New Moon Rep)、《華雷斯之聲》(”Voices of Juarez”2003年美國紐約藝穗節)。米勒先生也在吉隆坡表演藝術中心教授發聲課程。他於紐約大學帝許藝術學院取得戲劇表演學士,是「聲音與說話訓練協會」(VASTA)與「美國演員工會」(SAG)成員,2010在墨西哥市舉辦的VASTA研討會,米勒先生是重點成果發表人之一。


Aole T. Miller is the Head of Voice and Speech at Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore. He is a Certified Associate Teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework and a UNESCO Designated Teacher. Directing credits: Romeo & Juliet (Curtin University, Perth), Proof (New Moon Rep, Los Angeles), I Kreon (New Moon Rep, New York), Voices of Juarez (New York Fringe 2003). He coaches voice for KLPAC (Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center). He holds a B.F.A. in theatre from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He is a member of VASTA and SAG. He was a featured presenter at the International VASTA conference in Mexico City 2010.


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